Genius Hour Project 2 Reflexion

On one of my previous blog post, I discussed my struggles with going through the process of this project. I recommend checking it out first before reading this post as it will provide more context.





Common go read.








Seriously take a little peak.





Good? Alright. What I really liked about My Genius Hour Project is how freely you are allowed to operate. Sure you have general guidelines and will be graded on a strict rubric but apart from that, almost any topic is viable for these two months long projects. I already chose a topic that impacted the world for my first genius hour project. This time around, I looked at something that already is influencing the world under the form of a trend which was eating gluten free.

It was under this specific circumstance that I took conscience of the power of the Web. There’s always someone in your position somewhere. This whole trend probably started when a person that was eating gluten free started putting up videos or content on it. People that were in the same scenario stumbled upon those videos and shared them on. The process kept repeating until you got people trying it out as a diet or for fun (like me).

This phenomenon can be seen via a quick check on Google trends

U can see that the terms “gluten” and “gluten” free have had a severe spike in search starting march 2013.


I thought that getting into this project would allow me to have fun and share my passion for baking. I never thought that I would grasp the understanding of a big concept like the Internet with the basic idea of “Eating Gluten Free“.

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